在俄亥俄州的哥伦布市出生和长大. Donaldson graduated from Upper Arlington High School and attended Yale University where he majored in English with professors Harold Bloom and Robert Stone, and played quarterback for coaching legend Carmen Cozza.
Dr. Donaldson pursued his medical degree at The Ohio State University and a five-year general surgery residency at 缅因医疗中心 在缅因州波特兰. He was selected from more than 100 surgeons to train in plastic surgery fellowship at the 北卡罗来纳大学 在教堂山. 在完成这个项目之后, he was selected for a highly prestigious and sought-after oculoplastic/aesthetic surgery sub-specialty fellowship at 在亚特兰大做整形手术 和埃默里大学的教授. Mark Codner, Rod Hester, Sonny McCord and Foad Nahai.